Tell me about the outcomes.
Panelfox has joined dscout! Learn more


Panelfox has an advanced survey builder to ensure you are able to gather the information and insights you need.

Question types

Over 15 question types that enable you to get answers to any question you have.

File Upload and Signatures

Easily collect files and signatures from your respondents - for NDAs, proof of identity, pre-work and much more.

Qualification and Logic

Use question-based logic to quickly qualify or disqualify respondents. Use page-level logic for
more advanced routing, and branching.

Save to panel

Your panelist profiles can be automatically updated with all of their survey responses. No more
lost data.

Automatic scheduing

Easily allow users to schedule themselves if they qualify for a study. You are able to limit the numer of sessions as well.

Get started today

We would like to learn about your pain points and desired outcomes.
Please schedule a time to chat with us.

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